Do You Have Yoga Teacher Burnout? Five Tips to Rekindle Your Teaching Fire

“You cannot pour from an empty cup.” We’ve all heard this phrase before. How can you show up to serve others as your best self without carving out the time to recharge, refresh, and revitalize? If you are a yoga teacher who’s feeling burnt out from teaching, take a deep breath - you're not alone, and we've got you covered. Here are some tips to get you realigned with teaching when the burnout is real.

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Pedro & Yogi Bryan's Favorite Podcasts

Hello Yogis,

Pedro & Yogi Bryan’s mission is to reach 5 million people with Yoga, Mindfulness, and Gratitude. They want to provide as much value to the yoga community as possible. The boys decided to share their favorite podcasts. Here is the list below. Please share your favorite podcast in the comments and make sure to subscribe to The Yogi Show Podcast on your favorite Podcast platform.

Written by Janet